My Tummy hurts
Written at: 7:12 p.m. on 2004.05.04

I am not feeling good today... I don't know why, I am just not. I just ate a small portion of dinner. I just want to vomit.

Today I went into my closet. I just wanted to see the other clothing in there. I HAVE TOO MUCH CLOTHING! So, I think I might give them to someone.

I don't have much to write today. I still can't remember anything.

past or present

One by One. Only the good die young. They're only flying to close to the sun. But life goes on, without you.

New Years - 2007-01-02
Halloween - 2006-10-30
She has definately has some sort of impact - 2006-09-25
Her very last entry... This is my very first... - 2006-09-19
My goodbye - 2006-05-03
">My Tummy hurts - 2004.05.04

be notified when i update!

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