was I dreaming?
Written at: 5:05 p.m. on 2004.11.28

i had fallen asleep for about 6 hours. a 6 hour long nap. it was well deserved because i hardly had any sleep last night. anyway, i had a horrible dream.

i had volunteered to be put on a mission. i wasnt going to be told what it was about. i was going to work for the US GOVERNMENT. all i know that there was going to be possible death and i also get a gun.

so, the government called me and all of a sudden i am in an all white room. no one is in it with me. and then boom.... i am in the ocean with 8 other people. all of them were friends that i already know. unfortunately these are friends that have died in real life. so, our guns were dropped in the water along with us. and they weren't fully loaded. shit man, the us government screwed me over again. anyway, so we were still not told what our mission was. we soon found out.

there was this two headed 50 foot long snake type thing that we had to kill. my friends had poor aim. they all missed the snake, they were all killed by the two headed monster. it was my turn. i only had two shots in my gun. so, i shoot, i miss one head but i got the other. so, i grabbed the other head and cut it off with my pocket knife. i head a big roar as if the snake died and this machine picked me up out of the water.

i was then put into an office. everyone was clapping. the us gonvernment offered me a job that would give me over 4 million a year. there was this guy that looked like KEVIN SPACEY who offered me the job. i started crying. he asked what was wrong. i said i just lost 7 of my close friends. i would have to think about it.

i woke up. and here i am. what the hell was this dream about? i woke up sweaty and crying. i came down stairs just to make sure everyone was alive. which everyone was. so, it was nice. then i came on to the computer downstairs to type it all up.

lora had the same type of dream. creepy huh? it wasn't the same exact thing, but it did have a mission from some higher power that she had to go on and a lot of her friends died.

anyone have any rather weird dreams? i think i might go to a dream analysist to get it checked out.

past or present

One by One. Only the good die young. They're only flying to close to the sun. But life goes on, without you.

New Years - 2007-01-02
Halloween - 2006-10-30
She has definately has some sort of impact - 2006-09-25
Her very last entry... This is my very first... - 2006-09-19
My goodbye - 2006-05-03
">was I dreaming? - 2004.11.28

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