Written at: 2:38 p.m. on 2004.08.29

a shit load of crap just happened in one day! i'll log it all out!

9AM- i woke up at Lora's house. i stayed a week at her house because she didn't want me driving 2 hours home after school. and then wake up at 4 in the morning to drive back to school.

12PM- tony came with my mustang to pick me up! it was nice! lol. he is driving illegally! he lived in America for two years before! he knows how to driving system goes here!

2:46PM- made it to sausalito! we took the exit right off the freeway. and i felt homey!

2:57PM- BOOM! CAR ACCIDENT! my poor mustang! mut it still works! just looks shitty and doesn't have a windsheild anymore. after the light had turned green i made sure that people weren't still crossing the intersection. which there wasn't at the time! and BOOM! my car was hit! the suspect/the fucker who hit me (that sound cool!) was on SPEED. his car is more fucked up than mine is!

3:01PM- rushed to the hospital in the "BAMBUUUULAAAANCE". i had gotten a deep cut in my arm from the glass! plus, i have leukemia. so they had to check me out anyway.

3:30PM- i had receive 9 stitches on my arm. none of my tattoos were hurt! thank goodness!

3:52PM- i was told that the second treatment didn't work. so, i am pretty much going to die in less than a year. it's sad, but life is shitty. i still cry everyday!

5:00PM- get out of the stupid hospital! looked at the accident sceen. i got the chills. i left, and came home. 6 more friends flew in from ENGLAND. my brother said to have a party so we had a party!

anyway, i got drunk real bad! i passed out while i was trying to go to my room to go to sleep. but i was just a feet feet short from my bed. more like 50 feet short from my bed, but if i ran i could have made it! i woke up in not only my vomit. but other people vomit too! and that's pretty much it!


past or present

One by One. Only the good die young. They're only flying to close to the sun. But life goes on, without you.

New Years - 2007-01-02
Halloween - 2006-10-30
She has definately has some sort of impact - 2006-09-25
Her very last entry... This is my very first... - 2006-09-19
My goodbye - 2006-05-03
">HANG OVER TIME! - 2004.08.29

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