how pathetic
Written at: 6:52 p.m. on 2004-12-26

i decided that i would say grace. i had no clue how to do it, so i wrote it out on paper. it got a laugh at the table. anyway, here it goes.

-i didn't think that i would ever celebrate christmas again. i had totally forgotten what it was all about. not celebrating it for 4 years had left obliviant to the fact that there was a christmas. i suppose that i got into the christmas cheer when the house started to get decorated. anyway, there wouldn't have been a christmas if there wasnt a trent or pheobe. i am so thankful to have gotten to know them. i am so thankful to be with trent. i know that thanksgiving is a time for thanks. christmas should be the same because it is near the end of the year. thanks should be said about what you have been thankful for that year. i am thankful for my dads busniess to be up and running strong. i am thankful for my brother marriage and his and joes relationship. i am thankful for my brothers strength. i am thankful for my health and being able to see into the next year. i am thankful for my life. so i give thanks this christmas.-

there you go.... lame but meaningful.

for christmas sammy and his wife gave us each a bottle of cabo wabo. from pheobe i got a little bath set. from johnnie i got 20 free days at a spa. him and i will be havig bonding time. joe got me a cute gucci purse. dad got me all the albums mum ever owned. trent made a photo album of any pictures of us together, pictures of anything we have done. magazine clippings that we likes. it was wonderful.

i got sammy ans his wife a big candle/tropical candle decoration for their set. sammy's wife told me she liked it. so, i got it. i got johnnie and joe a silk bed set (which they have already had fun in), my family decided to get pheobe a new car because hers broke down. well, it is a 65 mustang... like my old one, and we had it all fixed up and painter and everything. she loves mustangs. i got my father some new tattoo equipment that he was looking at. for trent i am taking him on a shopping spree. and i am going to tattoo him and pierce him anywhere he wants to with out me fucking up. lol. and i got him a remote controlled car. he never had one as a kid! so, i got him one now.

anyway, its time for me to go.

past or present

One by One. Only the good die young. They're only flying to close to the sun. But life goes on, without you.

New Years - 2007-01-02
Halloween - 2006-10-30
She has definately has some sort of impact - 2006-09-25
Her very last entry... This is my very first... - 2006-09-19
My goodbye - 2006-05-03
">how pathetic - 2004-12-26

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