random rants...
Written at: 11:26 p.m. on 2005-02-14

happy fucking valentines day.... to all those who care!

yesterday afternoon i got my who-haa waxed. can you say, OUCH! i got everything possible waxed. i just has a pamper day yesterday.

anyway, my hair down there is in a shape of a heart and died red! lol.... everything else besides that heart is waxed... i even had the very few ass hairs waxed.... yes... girls to get hair back there, but hardly any....the heart is not much bigger than a quearter

i woke up at 11 am this morning with the smell of english tea, bacon and crumpets! trent came home ealier that i thought that he would. thank goodness though! he made me some quick breakfast. i loved it! they all tasted so damn good! it was a little brunch thing.

i supposed that it is a good thing that i didn't sleep naked though. brunch isn't fun if you are the only one naked.

it was an awefully sweet gesture....

then trent and i took our shower...... together.... HA HA!

i have to admit... valentines day is a girl day. why do i say that? trent told me flat out that if there were no girls, there would be no valentines day.... i told him to correct that and say if there were only straight guys, there would be no valentines day....

so, we got dressed and everything. he told me small little parts about what he did when he was gone. a lot of the stuff he does is confidential. it is horrible! He can tell me what state he is in... but not the city. he can't tell me what he is doing, or anything. its like the military!

then we walked to the main house to greet my father and my brother and brother-in-law. we walked around town and everything. it was a gloomy dark day. we also spent time in the beach. then we went shopping. i went to get everyone valentines gifts. i got my father a very great card. i wrote in it that he should celebrate valentines as though mum was here. be happy, love life, and party.

i think my father should start seeing other women.... i really do....

once trent and i settled in our house, we had a deep conversation. just about life and love and all that crap. i made dinner. I KNOW! I CAN'T COOK! i made spagehtti though.... i got a quick recipe. it turned out to be very good! it was killer...

desert??? it was in bed.... berries and whipped creme. ;)

and we had our second shower.... he is sleeping in bed... he's had a tiring week....

we did give out candy and flowers like usual. he got me naughty undies! i got him naughty pj's.... his birthday is coming up...

anyway.... time to go on random rants....

squirt gun, kashmir scarf, annoying cell phones, queers everywhere!, stuffed animals, fake hair, sex on the beach candle.... guess how that all was placed today....

past or present

One by One. Only the good die young. They're only flying to close to the sun. But life goes on, without you.

New Years - 2007-01-02
Halloween - 2006-10-30
She has definately has some sort of impact - 2006-09-25
Her very last entry... This is my very first... - 2006-09-19
My goodbye - 2006-05-03
">random rants... - 2005-02-14

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