The Baby
Written at: 5:32 p.m. on 2006-03-30

Luci and Trent couldn't make up their mind on a girls name this whole time. If they were going to have a boy, it would be Patrick Andrew for sure. If they were going to have a girl, it was going to be Sara Ray, but they want something more unique if they were going to have a girl. But, the girls name shouldn't have mattered anyway.

Luci gave birth last night at 9:18 to a healthy baby boy. He weighs 8lbs, 9oz. He is gorgeous. His name? Patrick Andrew.

He was born 2 weeks early, but, the doctor said in the begining she could be having the baby from March 25th, to April 16th. So, I guess the doctor couldn't tell the exact date that she got pregnant.

We would have updated earlier, but, she was ready to pop that thing out. Everyone was in the delivery room. Usually they have only allowed the baby's father in the room, but she was having complications and she wanted everyone in the room.

Anyway, Luci is healthy, and Patrick is healthy. Hopefully we will be able to post pictures.

Anyway, the rest of the family is doing fine. Me and Joe are doing great. Dad is booming with his Tattoo business. Trent's mom is wonderful as usual.

Anyway, more updates to come.

past or present

One by One. Only the good die young. They're only flying to close to the sun. But life goes on, without you.

New Years - 2007-01-02
Halloween - 2006-10-30
She has definately has some sort of impact - 2006-09-25
Her very last entry... This is my very first... - 2006-09-19
My goodbye - 2006-05-03
">The Baby - 2006-03-30

be notified when i update!

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