fish lips
Written at: 1:04 a.m. on 2004.09.23

i am at the worst possible health right now. well, it cant be, because i am able to walk aruond. with the help of a pimp cane my father got for his 30th birthday.there is a new pimpette in town.

anyway, my whole body aches. maybe it is the way i sleep. maybe i am sleeping too much. i cant barely get around just walking. my brother is also doing pretty bad. he only has a minor cold. but when you have a cold and you have AIDS, all hell breaks lose.

since my father isn't home much, it is just me, my brother, joe, and a few friends. joe is too busy taking care of johnny. all my friends that are staying for a while are too drunk or drugged to do much.

who is it that i have to save the day? i have matt from school! matt from california!!! you know what? since all the matt's are just getting confusing as lora said, i am going to name the matt from california something else. hmmmmm.... i will name himmmmmm..... well, i don't know what i should name him. maybe i should name him bob. but that is too cliche.

his new name should be.... fish lips! i know that might sound gross, but his lips are huge! well, not really huge, just a little on the big side. you know like john mayer's lips! how lovely!

anyway, fish lips is always around now. i like him over. it is like having a good friend move in with you. I have a permanent visitor. i have invited him over to help me a lot. so, i told him if he wanted to he could move into the new guest room. he said that his mother would flip, so, he stays only on the weekends and on the bad health nights. oh, and during parties too. just incase i have a bad time. his is a wonderful friend.

i have gotten rid of all the razors i own. all the knives i own. anything sharp that i own is totally gone. i almost tried to cut myself again. fish lips walked in and immediately took the razor away.

good job fish lips!

anyway, i have to go to an english lab tomorrow. fish lips is driving. and it will be fun i suppose! i have to bring my wheel chair though. i don't think ill be any better tomorrow.

past or present

One by One. Only the good die young. They're only flying to close to the sun. But life goes on, without you.

New Years - 2007-01-02
Halloween - 2006-10-30
She has definately has some sort of impact - 2006-09-25
Her very last entry... This is my very first... - 2006-09-19
My goodbye - 2006-05-03
">fish lips - 2004.09.23

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