hello jordan
Written at: 12:25 a.m. on 2004-10-16

happy birthday my dear friend lora. you have been there through all my problems. if it wasn't for that day at six flags, and becoming friends with you, i wouldn't be alive today. you gave me inspiration to live. you gave me hope that i still have life in me. you gave me the love my mother once gave me. you made me happy.

today is your 18th birthday. you are now legal to screw someone that isn't a minor, buy cigarettes, buy papers, buy porn, boy sex toys, and pretty much anything but alcohol.

you have inspired me to live life to its fullest. i personally have never been friends with someone who isn't as rich as my family is, and it gave me a taste of reality. you live life like
you wont live tomorrow. you tell your parents that you love them everyday, and i admire that. i would tell them that i love them, but my mother is dead and my father is hardly home.

no matter how many times i talk about death, you always tell me that there still is that percentile of living. you tell me to look on the brighter side.

when my mother died, i lost a big part of me. you are very mother like. you have looked after me, took care of me when i was sick, and tell me about guys when i have a problem. i love that. i love you.

you filled everything that i wished for in a friendly relationship. you reminded me of my own mother, you inspired me, and you made me feel like i can live forever. you, my friend, should have the best life that anyone can live. i will give you half of the mone that i inherited when i turned 18. that way, you decide what you could do with it. give it to charity, give parts of it to a homeless person (like you would normally do), or spent it all on yourself. you choose.

if anyone wants a great friend, have lora as a friend. she gives more than she gets credit for. i will never ever forget her. i love her for everyhting she has done for me. she is my sister, my mother, and my best friend. i love her.

i decided to type about someone else. his name is JORDAN. he is really cute too. even though he could have his bitchy times, he is a nice guy. he got a hold of matt when i asked him to! i know you are reading this jordan! i love you man! you're awesome. you are someone who i would never forget.

past or present

One by One. Only the good die young. They're only flying to close to the sun. But life goes on, without you.

New Years - 2007-01-02
Halloween - 2006-10-30
She has definately has some sort of impact - 2006-09-25
Her very last entry... This is my very first... - 2006-09-19
My goodbye - 2006-05-03
">hello jordan - 2004-10-16

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