all by myself...
Written at: 11:30 p.m. on 2004.11.21

i sent my father off on a 3 day vacation. all by himself to CATALINA ISLAND. i want him to have fun.
my brother and his husband/bride are in italy right now.
i am here by myself. well, i do have matt with me... but technically he is on the first floor of the house... so i am on the third floor all by myself. i am dripping wet right out of the shower. i feel good enough to play the piano. of which i might. playing the piano is soothing. it is a beautiful instrument.
the wedding was beautiful. the reception was fine. you know that you partied hard when you wake up at 4 in the afternoon. i think that i may get another tattoo to cover up a tattoo that was a bull shit one. it involved someones name of which i don't talk to anymore for some reason. it is a rather small tattoo, so, it will be easier to cover up. i am going to wait until my father gets home so he can do it.
my father gave me a job in his tattoo shoppe. i am already certified to pierce. i am taking classes on tattooing. so is matt.
i pierced a part of him. lol. you can guess and i am sure that you will be right.
there is nothing to pierce on me. i have everything possible pierced. maybe i should take them all out and start all over again! it would be fun i suppose. but more painful. some of my piercings were more painful than any tattoos i have gotten!
so, after a late night of partying. i am rather awake. but i know i will be tired again in about an hour or so. so, i am going to go play the piano. but first i need to get some sort of clothing on right? or i can be a nudest. matt would love that. i'll type what i did in tomorrows entry. playing the piano buck naked sounds exciting. plus, i am comfortable with my nudity! i really am.
i will type tomorrow on how it all went. i am typing this entry like playing the piano in the nude will be rather an adventure! think so?

past or present

One by One. Only the good die young. They're only flying to close to the sun. But life goes on, without you.

New Years - 2007-01-02
Halloween - 2006-10-30
She has definately has some sort of impact - 2006-09-25
Her very last entry... This is my very first... - 2006-09-19
My goodbye - 2006-05-03
">all by myself... - 2004.11.21

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